Solutions for all of your workers’ musculoskeletal needs.

Our Services

Job Site Analysis

  • Job Site Analysis

  • Physical Demands Analysis

  • Workplace Ergonomics

  • Body Mechanics

  • Industrial Ergonomics

  • Office Ergonomics

  • Workstation design

Injury Care

  • OSHA First Aid

  • Rapid Response

  • Onsite care

  • Workers’ Compensation Care

  • Physical and Occupational Therapy

  • Athletic Training

  • Advanced On Demand


  • Job Site Analysis

  • Workplace Stretching

  • Work Conditioning

  • Strength and Conditioning

  • Education for Workers

  • Training

  • Consulting


  • Post-offer / Pre-employment Testing

  • Job Matching / Fit-for-duty

  • Return to Work

  • Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)

  • Drug Testing

  • Hearing / Vision Testing

  • Pulmonary Function Testing

“We truly appreciate our partnership with Advanced Industrial Medicine and hope we continue to work together for many years to come!”

Nichole Fassbender, Director of H.R.

MCC, Inc.